Photo Archive

Ada's Honours Graduation (2022)

Kaleb, Asher & Nathan, "in person" at our first post-COVID conference! RACI National Congress (2022)

Lyndon's Honours Graduation (2021)

Rowan's Honours Graduation (2021)

Weibin at the ASAP circa. 2015

Carol's PhD Graduation (2016)

The Group circa. 2015

Christmas in July circa. 2016

RACI conference circa. 2014

Chanel's PhD Graduation (2017)

Felix and Ian's Honours Dinner (2014)

Pavel presenting at MOF'16 in Kobe, Japan

RACI Conference (2014)

James' Honours Graduation (2014)

James' Honours Graduation (2014)

RACI Conference (2014)

RACI Conference (2014)

With the Kepert Group (2014)

Marcello and Chanel Honours Graduation (2013)

Anita's PhD Graduation (2015)

Honours Dinner 2014

ICCC Singapore (2014)

Henry EPR-ing in style! (2014)

Weibin's poster presentation MOF'16

Well-deserved dinner!

1st year Showcase (2012)

Honours Dinner (2011)

Prof. Harry Gray (Caltech) visiting for the RACI Student Symposium (2011)

Anita and Steve presenting posters (2012)

Anita and Pavel's Honours Dinner (2011)

Chanel, Brian and Marcello's Honours Dinner (2012)